Lane Lab News!

Congratulations Dr Nair!

Massive congratulations to Avi who passed his viva this week. Big thank yous to Natalie Connor-Robson and Ash Toye for being excellent examiners, and to Chrissy Hammond for Chairing!

14th March 2025

Getting the band back together!

It was lovely to catch up with 2 former lab members, Jade (my first PhD student) and Virginie (the original Lane lab member who worked with me for many years!

December 2024

Christmas 2024 photos!

For Christmas, the C50 lab shared an excellent meal at Racks in Clifton. Great food & great company! We learned that some people are a tiny bit more flexible than others…..!

December 2024

More excellent grant news!

Really pleased to share that our collaboration with Prof. Jan Frayne on autophagy in human thalassemia models has been successfully awarded funding from the MRC! This will be a 3-year project grant with Dr Debbie Daniels as named researcher.

November 2024

Welcoming new lab members!

It was great to host 4 new lab members over the autumn months: Rhiannon and Sarah joined us from the Wellcome Trust 4-year PhD programme for their rotations looking at CASM and STING in neurons; Cecily and Holly joined for their MSci Extended Research Project.








Autumn 2024

New lab photo unlocked!

Rare opportunity to get (nearly) everyone together on a sunny day!

Left to right: Holly, Joanna, Payal, Jon, Shiza, David, Becky, Avi, Madhu, Lana.

15th June 2024

Welcome back Joanna!

So pleased to welcome Joanna Moss back to the lab as a postdoc working on a joint project with Chrissy Hammond. Joanna will be figuring out how LMX1B and the autophagy pathway cooperate to control bone morphogenesis and maintenance in zebrafish.

1st January 2024

Cell Biology Lab Christmas meal

The lab had a great Christmas lunch at No. 38 Clifton before heading to the pub for more drinks and drinking games…….

10th December 2023

Welcome to our new arrivals!

Delighted to welcome some new lab members: Becky is back to do her PhD with us on the WellcomeTrust PhD programme; Beth joins for her first rotation on the same programme; Lana arrives on Monday to begin her PhD on the BRACE funded project; Tom has started his MSci extended project. Hope you all have a very rewarding time in the lab!

1st October 2023

Unprecedented grant success!

OK, so this never happens…… all 3 of our recent grant applications have been successful. Delighted to announce that we have a PhD grant available funded by BRACE, a project grant funded by Parkinson’s UK, and another project grant funded by the BBSRC (this one is with Chrissy Hammond). Please look out for any advertisements for available positions.

4th August 2023

“Wellcome” back, Becky!

Really pleased to confirm that Becky Sipthorpe has returned to do her PhD with us on the Wellcome Trust 4 year PhD programme. Becky will be continuing to work on the mitochondrial integrated stress response and its engagement with the autophagy pathway.

6th July 2023

Lucy’s ventral midbrain astrocyte paper accepted in Brain Communications!

Great news – Lucy’s paper is out! In this work, we show that ventral midbrain astrocytes derived from human iPSCs (stem cells) have a specific inflammatory secretory profile, emphasizing how astrocytes – like neurons – have regional identities. This is important for understanding inflammatory responses in disease-susceptible areas of the brain.

17th April 2023

Lane lab at the Bristol Neuroscience Festival!

Members of the Lane lab ably supported by Annie (Hanley lab) with undergraduates Julia and Martina spent 3 fun days talking about stem cells, neurons, glia, and brain disease at the Bristol Neuroscience Festival. Thanks to Shiza for organising. Many congratulations all!

(March 2023)

Natalia’s LMX1B paper accepted in JCB!

We are delighted to finally reveal that the LMX1B-ATG8 interaction paper started by Natalia during her PhD, and ably helped over the line by Madhu, is now in press at JCB. This paper is the culmination of many years hard work with input from several former Lane Lab members and our excellent collaborators. More info with links etc will follow soon.

(20th February 2023)


Lucy’s astrocyte inflammation paper accepted!

Great news – Lucy’s paper on midbrain astrocyte inflammatory signaling is accepted in Brain Communications! Well done Lucy!

(15th December 2022)

Lane lab raid on Autophagy UK, Warwick!

The lab went en mass to the AutophagyUK meeting in Warwick (minus Jon). A few “minor” travel issues on the way I understand…. Madhu presented a talk on the LMX1B/ATG8 story!

(4th October 2022)


Welcoming new members of the lab!

Lab pizza outing to welcome new lab members David, Beth, and Tom. I won’t mention here what the score was at the time I left (clue – Avi is wearing a very humble grin). Individual profile for these guys and also Becky as soon as I can nab some mugshots!

(26th September 2022)




Joanna has passed her viva!

Many congratulations Joanna on a very successful viva defence! Thanks for Berni Carroll, Henry Roehl and Danielle Paul for examining and chairing. Onwards and upwards!

(18th May 2022)



Look out for Joanna’s commentary on her latest paper – out NOW!

Moss, JJ, Wirth, M, Tooze, SA, Hammond, CL, Lane JD (2022) Autophagy tunes chondrocyte differentiation and joint developmental precision in zebrafish. Autophagy Reports

(25th April 2022)

Welcome 2022 and thanks to Neve and Anna

Many thanks to Neve and Anna for their excellent hard work over the last term – they now move on to other things and we wish them all the very best.

(4th January 2022)

Kiren’s paper published!

Absolutely delighted to announce that Kiren’s paper has been accepted in Autophagy Reports! This was a long, long journey, with a fair bit of COVID thrown in….but we got there. Well done Kiren! (Baines et al.)

(14th December 2021)

Betriz’s paper published!

Congratulations to Beatriz whose Tay Sachs paper has been accepted for publication in Cells. Great news for all involved. Links to the final version when they are available. Open access

(10th November 2021)

Joanna’s paper published!

Delighted to announce that Joanna’s study on autophagy control of chondrocyte development in zebrafish has been published in FASEB Journal. A great collaboration with Chrissy Hammond and Sharon Tooze. You can access it here: (Open Access).

(28th October 2021)

We have 2 PhD projects on the SWBio DTP programme!

Project (1): CRISPR-based mitophagy screens for regulators of mitochondrial protein import quality control (with Ian Collinson)

#Autophagy #Mitophagy

Project (2): Autophagy control of human neuroinflammatory signalling pathways (with Lucy Crompton (UWE))

#Autophagy #Inflammation #Parkinsons

Apply via

(17th October 2021)

Welcome to all the new arrivals! We start the new academic year with a welcome to 4 new lab members…..

Shiza Shaikh – Shiza has joined the lab for a PhD funded by Parkinson’s UK. She will be studying the molecular control of Parkinson’s-associated neuroinflammation, and the role of autophagy. Shiza will be using iPSCs to make neurons, astrocytes and microglia for co-culture studies.



James Emery – James is doing his MRes on mitophagy, innate immunity and autophagy cross-talk.


Neve Powting – Neve is doing her first rotation as a Wellcome Trust Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology PhD programme in the Lane lab. She will be studying the molecular control of autophagosome closure.

Anna Kennedy – Anna is studying on the Biochemistry MSci programme, and will be doing her extended research project in the Lane lab. Anna will also be investigating the regulation of autophagosome closure.




(2nd October 2021)

Goodbye to Lucy 🙁  Bitter-sweet news, this. Lucy is leaving us this week having taken up a Senior Lectureship position at the University of the West of England. Fabulous opportunity, and very well-deserved, but of course we will miss her hugely. Good thing she will be working up the road, so we can continue to collaborate on Parkinson’s neuroinflammation projects!


Lucy’s leaving party in the Foyal Fort Gardens.





(26th July 2021)

Welcome to Ellie! We warmly welcome Eleanor Attridge to the lab. Ellie has joined for a summer studentship, and will be working with Madhu on the autophagy transcription project.

(1st July 2021)

Belated welcome to Madhu! Delighted to welcome Dr Madhu Kollareddy who has joined the lab to study autophagy transcriptional cross-talk!

(1st July 2021)




Amazing news! Lucy has accepted a Senior Lectureship position at the University of the West of England, where she will be continuing her excellent neuroinflammation work and where she will teach neuroscience. We are very pleased and wish her every success!

(June 2021)

Lucy’s astrocyte methods paper is now online. Crompton, L. A., McComish, S. F., Stathakos, P., Cordero Llana, O., Lane, J. D., Caldwell, M. A. (2021) Efficient and Scalable Generation of Human Ventral Midbrain Astrocytes from Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. JoVE

(28th March 2021)

We are recruiting!! Postdoc position available!! My lab is looking for a Postdoc to work on autophagy transcriptional control. Would suit a molecular cell biologist with experience using iPSC neurons and/or iNeurons.

(March 2021)

Lucy’s astrocyte methods paper accepted! Pleased to announce that Lucy’s methods paper on midbrain astrocyte differentiation from human iPSCs has been accepted in JoVE. More info to come when we get it.

(3rd February 2021)

Parkinson’s UK research grant success! Really pleased that we have received 18-months funding from Parkinson’s UK for our glial neurinflammation project! Many congratulations to Lucy in particular as Researcher Co-I. This work will be in partnership with Dr Harry Rollinski, Dr Oscar Cordero-Llana and Dr Kate Heesom.

(24th November 2020)


Natalia’s review on autophagy and oxidative stress in Parkinson’s is published! Check out this great review by Natalia. It’s open access, so no excuses for missing out!

Autophagy and Redox Homeostasis in Parkinson’s: A Crucial Balancing Act

(12th November 2020)

Another PhD opportunity! We have a joint PhD project on the SWBio DTP with Alex Greenhough (UWE) on epithelial autophagy transcriptional control. Info here:

PhD opportunity in the Lane lab! Here’s a great opportunity on the SWBio DTP for anyone seeking a PhD in mitochondrial quality control and autophagy using CRISPRi technology. Joint project in the Lane and Collinson labs in Bristol. Further details and instructions for applicants can be found here:

(14th October 2020)

Natalia’s review on redox, autophagy, and Parkinson’s is accepted! Good news on a rainy day. Natalia’s review: “Autophagy and redox homeostasis in Parkinson’s: a crucial balancing act” has been accepted in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. More info to follow soon.

(10th October 2020)

Abby moving on…. After completing a very successful Masters year, despite COVID-19, Abby is moving on to study for a PhD at King’s. Good luck Abby!

(6th October 2020)

New members of the Lane lab! Delighted to welcome 3 new members of the Lane lab, Avi, Tom, and Chris, who have joined us to study autophagy, cell death, and neuroinflammatory signalling in Parkinson’s.


Avi is doing a PhD, and Tom is doing an MRes, and Chris is a Wellcome Trust rotation student on the Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology Programme. Welcome all!!

(24th September 2020 – updated 1st October 2020)

Joanna’s zebrafish review is accepted! Pleased to announce that Joanna’s review on zebrafish, autophagy and bone research has been accepted in Histochemistry and Cell Biology.

Moss, JJ, Hammond, CL & Lane, JD (2020) Zebrafish as a model system to study autophagy and its role in skeletal development and disease Histochemistry and Cell Biology

(31st August 2020 – updated 14th September 2020)

Our MitoCRISPR paper is published in the Journal of Cell Science! Really pleased to announce that our collaboration with the Szczelkun and Van der Kamp labs is published in the Journal of Cell Science. Brilliant work from Zuri, Holly, Grace and team!

Antón, Z, Betin, VMA, Simonetti, B, Traer, C, Attar, N, Cullen, P, Lane JD (2020) A heterodimeric SNX4:SNX7 SNX-BAR autophagy complex coordinatesATG9A trafficking for efficient autophagosome assembly. Journal of Cell Science doi: 10.1242/jcs.248468

(25th August 2020 – which just happens to be my birthday)

SNX4 autophagy paper is out! Our study of the contributions of the sorting nexins SNX4/SNX7 during mammalian autophagy is published in Journal of Cell Science. This is the product of many year’s work, involving many people in the Lane and Cullen labs in Bristol. Congratulations all!

Antón, Z, Betin, VMA, Simonetti, B, Traer, C, Attar, N, Cullen, P, Lane JD (2020) A heterodimeric SNX4:SNX7 SNX-BAR autophagy complex coordinates ATG9A trafficking for efficient autophagosome assembly. Journal of Cell Science

(9th June 2020)

Natalia has passed her viva! Well done to Natalia, who passed her PhD viva yesterday!

Dr Natalia is soon to leave us 🙁 to continue her scientific journey in Simon Wilkinson’s lab in Edinburgh, after a fantastic 5 years. So well deserved! We will miss you.

(5th May 2020)

Petros’s paper published in “Autophagy”: We are delighted to announce that Petros’s paper “A monolayer hiPSC culture system for autophagy/mitophagy studies in human dopaminergic neurons” is now online in the Journal “Autophagy” (

It’s Open Access so no excuses for not checking it out!

(20th April 2020)

AutophagyUK 2020 has been postponed: We regret to announce that the AutophagyUK meeting due to be held in Bristol this April has been postponed due to COVID-19. We have a new date of 29-30th April 2021. Please join us then!

(20th March 2020)

Zuri’s other work with Virginie and colleagues in the Cullen lab on the autophagy SNX4/SNX7 SNX-BAR complex in also now out on bioRxiv: You can read about our work on the role of SNX4 on autophagosome assembly and ATG9A trafficking here –

(16th March 2020)

Zuri’s work on MitoCRISPR tool development is out on bioRxiv: You can read all about Zuri’s collaborative work with Holly and Grace from the Szczelkun lab here –

(13th March 2020)

Petros’s paper accepted in the Autophagy Journal: Great news for 2020 – Petros’s work on human iPSC dopaminergic neuronal models has been accepted. More on this soon.

(23rd January 2020)

AutophagyUK now open for bookings!!: Please visit the AutophagyUK website for instructions and links for booking for the Bristol 2020 meeting.



AutophagyUK annual meeting… Bristol!!!! We are delighted to announce that the next AutophagyUK meeting will be held in Bristol next April 29-30th at the Avon Gorge Hotel. Save the date!!

Bitter-sweet week. Sorry to have to say goodbye to Phil who is moving on to work as a Postdoc in Bath. We’ll miss you very much (and thanks for the amazing chocolates!). Goodbye also to Bea who returns to Seville to complete her PhD. We’ll also miss Bea (and thanks for the lovely chocolates!)….but very happy to welcome Abby and James to the lab!


(2nd October 2019)

Kiren’s work is out on bioRiv! Kiren’s study of the ATG12~ATG5 interactome is out as a preprint. Enjoy!

(14th September 2019)

Zuri’s leaving lunch 🙁  Really sad to see Zuri go. We’ll miss her greatly – luckily she’s only moving upstairs to the Dodding lab! Our loss is very much their gain….

(30th July 2019)

Abstract deadline extended for the DBM/DGZ Fall autophagy/ageing conference. This looks like a great meeting in beautiful Tübingen 25th-27th September, 2019. Sign up while you can!


(27th June 2019)

Natalia’s abstract has been selected for a talk at the EMBO autophagy workshop! Great news- Natalia will be speaking at the EMBO Autophagy conference in August. Nice one Natalia!

Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 18.52.41

(6th June 2019)

Natalia’s paper released on bioRxiv! We are very pleased to announce that Natalia’s paper “LIR-dependent LMX1A/LMX1B autophagy crosstalk shapes human midbrain dopaminergic neuronal resilience” has been released at bioRxiv. Loads of hard work went into this study! Updates to follow…


(14th May 2019)

Belated welcome to Bea! Really late posting, but we welcome to the lab Bea Castejon who has joined us for a few months from Sevilla to make iPSCs for lysosomal storage disease research.Thanks to TransAutophagy for STSM funding and the Company of Biologists.

Screenshot 2019-05-20 at 15.13.23


(May 2019)




Publication, publication, publication….! The New Year starts with good news of 3 fronts: Els’s paper on DNA damage in leukaemia has been accepted in Scientific Reports; Petros’s iPSC protocol chapter is now published in Methods in Molecular Biology; and Matt’s modelling the extrinsic apoptosis study is accepted at iScience. Well done to all involved – a great way to kick off 2019!


screenshot 2019-01-09 at 16.31.34untitled-1unknown

Mansell , E, Zareian, N, Malouf, C, Kapeni, C, Brown, N, Badie, C, Baird, D, Lane, J. D, Ottersbach, K, Blair, A & Case, C. P (2019) DNA damage signalling from the placenta to foetal blood as a potential mechanism for childhood leukaemia initiation. Scientific Reports 9

Stathakos, P, Jimenez-Moreno, N, Crompton, L, Nistor, P, Caldwell, MA & Lane, JDJimenez-Moreno, N, Crompton, L, Nistor, P, Caldwell, MA & Lane, JD (2019) Imaging autophagy in hiPSC-derived midbrain dopaminergic neuronal cultures for Parkinson’s disease research. Methods Mol. Biol. 1880: 257-280

Anderson, MW, Moss, JJ, Szalai, R & Lane JD (2019) Mathematical modelling highlights the complex role of AKT in TRAIL-induced apoptosis of HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells. iScience (in press)

(9th January 2019)

Welcome Phil!img_1591 We are really happy to welcome Dr Phil Reagan to the lab. Phil has joined for 9 months to complete the APOE Alzheimer’s Society project.

(3rd January 2019)







Congratulations Dr Mullally!IMG_1215 Massive congratulations to Grace who successfully defended her viva today! The MitoCRISPR pioneer!

(15th November 2018)






New lab members! We welcome Tiah Oates and Finny McMorrow to the Lane lab on short projects. Tiah is a rotation student on the Wellcome Trust Dynamic molecular Cell PhD programme, and Finny is a Biochemistry MSci student. Cheesy photos and project descriptions to follow!

(15th October 2018)

Petros in his graduation splendour and images of the celebration meal!

(16th July 2018)

How to win friends and influence people! Natalia is enjoying great company at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting!


(28th June 2018)

Welcome back to the Lane lab!IMG_0198 We are delighted to welcome Joanna Moss back to the lab for her PhD project. Joanna will be working on a collaborative project with Chrissy Hammond to study autophagy in kidney and joint development/disease using cell-lines and zebrafish. Welcome back Joanna!

(June 2018)

IMG_0197Welcome to the Lane lab! We are really pleased to welcome Helena Dominguez Martín to the lab. Helena joins us for 3 months from Diego Ruano Caballero’s lab at IBiS, Seville, to study autophagy in glial inflammation (appears she has brought the sunny weather with her!).

(May 2018)



Pictures from the recent Autophagy Harden conference!

(7th June 2018- thank you to Anne Simonsen for providing these)

Biochemistry lab cake day – C50’s turn (aka feeding time at the zoo). Before and after pics just about sum it up! (10.00 am to the left; 10.15 am to the right)

(26th April 2018)

Our astrocyte/autophagy collaboration is published in Nature Nanotechnology! All the hard work has been worth it! A long-standing collaboration with Maeve Caldwell (Dublin) is now published at Nature Nanotechnology. Lucy, Petros and Natalia are all co-authors in the exciting study that implicate astrocytes and autophagy in neuronal toxicity during nanoparticle exposure across a placental barrier model.

Hawkins SJ, Crompton LA, Sood A, Saunders M, Boyle N, Buckley A, Minogue AM, McComish S, Jiménez-Moreno N, Cordero-Llana O, Stathakos P, Kelly S, Lane JD, Case CP & Caldwell MA (2018) Nanoparticle induced neuronal toxicity across placental barriers is mediated by autophagy and dependent on astrocytes. Nature Nanotechnology doi:10.1038/s41565-018-0085-3.

(2nd April 2018)

Congratulations Kiren on a successful PhD viva! Kiren successfully defended her thesis this month – a few proseccos followed this photo (so I am led to understand)!


(6th March 2018)

International Women’s day


Lucy, Zuri and Natalia with model cells!

(March 2018)

Major International autophagy conference in the UK! Coming up in June, the second UK Autophagy Harden conference – this meeting will be held near Warwick/Leamington Spa from 3rd-7th June 2018. Co-organised by TRANSAutophagy, “Autophagy – from Molecules to Disease II” brings together leading autophagy researchers from the UK, Europe and beyond to discuss latest developments in the field. Registration is now open!

Please note: TRANSAutophagy members are able to apply for a limited number of subsidised places. Priority will be given to early career researchers and ITC members. Please contact myself ( and/or Sharon Tooze ( to register your interest in attending.

Screen Shot 2018-02-21 at 08.44.33

Natalia’s wins the EMBO Reports poster prize in Cavtat. Natalia won a poster prize at the EMBO autophagy meeting in Cavtat. We finally have the photo!  (see the September 2017 entries for more images from the meeting).


(January 2018)

Natalia’s review featured on the front page![Cells] Cover for I3, V6-HD Natalia’s recent review on iPSC neuronal models for autophagy research is highlighted on the front page of the journal “Cells”.

Cells 6(3), 24; doi:10.3390/cells6030024.

(January 2018)

Many congratulations Dr Petros!! Petros successfully defended his thesis yesterday. Fabulous performance, and a perfect end to 2017!

(December 18th 2017)

2nd Autophagy Essays in Biochemistry volume is now online!

ppebio_61_6.coverThis exciting new volume contains 14 chapters on the regulation of autophagy in health and disease. “Signalling Mechanisms in Autophagy” is written by experts in the autophagy field. Starting with reviews on the control of autophagy via mTORC, ULK1 and receptor tyrosine kinases, the volume then explores the roles that autophagy plays in cytoplasmic quality control and the response to damaged organelles and invading microorganisms, including how the autophagy machinery influences protein secretion, and the control of autophagy in plants. The final chapters deal with autophagy in disease, with an emphasis on signalling mechanisms.

This volume is published as part of the TransAutophagy Working Group 1 objectives.


Eds: Lane, Korolchuk, Murray (for more detail on content, please see our Editorial).

(December 2017)

Shoot! Christmas comes around yet again….

Venue: Kensington Arms.

Highlight: roast goose.

Lowlight: chutney with my bread & butter pudding & plum sorbet pudding….

Look out for Lane Lab members Lucy, Natalia, Grace, Zuri, Joanna & Jon (Stephens and Mellor labs also in attendance).


(December 2017)

Look out for a couple of crucial volumes on autophagy….

Jon has recently edited an eBook with Patrizia Agostinis entitled “Self-Eating on Demand: Autophagy in Cancer and Cancer Therapy in the Frontiers in Oncology series. This has a number of outstanding chapters on the role of autophagy in cancer and cancer therapy, and is published as part of our TransAutophagy Working Group 1 actions.

Also published under the TransAutophagy umbrella WG1 will be an updated Essays in Biochemistry volume entitled “Signalling Mechanisms in Autophagy” (available very soon). This is co-edited by Jon with Viktor Korolchuck (Newcastle, UK) and James Murray (TCD, Eire), and contains chapters focussed on signalling control of autophagy. This is also published as part of our TransAutophagy Working Group 1 actions.


(November 2017)

Joanna Moss joins the lab for his first Wellcome PhD rotation

Joanna has joined the lab to study mitophagy control via LMX1B in kidney podocyte models. Welcome Joanna!

(October 2017)

Natalia’s review on stem cell neuronal models for autophagy research is out!

“Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Neuronal Models for the Study of Autophagy Pathways in Human Neurodegenerative Disease” Cells 20176(3), 24; doi:10.3390/cells6030024

(September 2017)

Views of Cavtat – EMBO autophagy meeting 2017

(September 2017)

Matt celebrates his successful PhD viva!

How “Simply” Matt became “Dr” Matt! Many congratulations!! Now it’s time to take off….


(September 2017)

International Women’s Day and C50 lab cake day

Celebrating #Internationalwomensday – Kiren & Zuri! (Petros is lurking in the background for the eagle eyed….)

It was our turn to make cakes for the Biochemistry School today – exemplary baking! Well done everyone.

Kiren’s abstract selected for a short talk at the Autophagy Keystone meeting in Colorado!

Kiren was delighted to hear that her abstract has been selected for a short talk at the Autophagy Network Integration in Health and Disease meeting to be held in February 2017.

Zuri to rejoin the lab in February!

We are really pleased to confirm that Zuri will be returning to the Lane lab in February to work as a postdoc on the MitoCRISPR project. Zuri joins a team that includes Grace and another new postdoc in the Szczelkun lab, Holly Ford. The MitoCRISPR team also includes Prof. Ian Collinson and Dr Marc Van der Kamp who will provide invaluable input on the mechanistic and structural side of the project.


Belated picture of the C50 lab Christmas party (2016). 


First COST TransAutophagy meeting held in Warsaw – Kiren wins poster prize!

Kiren and Jon attended the first TransAutophagy meeting in Warsaw this week. It was an excellent meeting blending discovery research with translational studies, and highlighted the amazing autophagy research being carried out across Europe. Kiren presented a poster and an “open garage” talk on basic autophagy methodologies, and she won first prize in the poster competition! Well done Kiren!

Chris Parker joins the lab for his first Wellcome PhD rotation

Chris has joined the lab to study axon guidance and growth cone dynamics in autophagy compromised iPSC neurons. Welcome Chris!

At the Bristol Biochemistry away day

Kiren and Natalia talking all things autophagy at the (non) poster session, and Grace co-hosting the quiz!

Saying farewell to Zuri and Richard 😦    …and a happy birthday to Petros!

A big thank you to Zuri and Richard who are moving on after being in the lab for 3 months. Zuri heads back to Spain to write her thesis in 3 languages (!), Richard will be joining Jeremy Henley’s lab to work on sumoylation and mitochondrial dynamics/quality control whilst keeping in close contact with our lab. We had Pizza @boscopizzeria and Petros had a surprise slice of birthday cake (which he gladly shared!).

Celebrating Natalia and Samuel’s wedding!

To celebrate Natalia and Samuel getting hitched, we went for a healthy meal of waffles and milkshakes @sundaes-gelato! All made it out alive, but a few lbs heavier…..


2nd Autophagy Harden conference

We are pleased to announce the second Biochemical Society Autophagy Harden conference “Autophagy- from Molecules to Disease II” scheduled to be held in June/July 2017. Details such as speakers list and venue to follow.

TransAutophagy COST Action

Logo - Transautophagy

European COST action: we are pleased to announce the successful application for European COST status for a transEuropean network of collaborative and cooperative research activities. TRANSAUTOPHAGY represents: “a consortium that serves as a platform for enterprises, stakeholders and researchers from diverse disciplines (nanotechnologists, bioinformatics, physics, chemists, biologists and physicians)”. Such a consortium seeks to provide: “foresight workshops will encourage collaborative science by promoting partnerships, by fostering open innovation for creative problem solving, and by providing opportunities for young researchers and gender balance….to generate multidisciplinary breakthroughs about autophagy regulation, and to use this knowledge for biomedical and biotechnological purposes”. Comprising 5 Workgroups with basic and translational interests in autophagy.